L.O.V.3 hurts

It hurts to love and
not be loved in return
but what is the most painful is to love
and never find the courage
to let the person know
how you feel.

God wants
us to meet a few wrong people
before meeting the right one
so that when we finally
meet the right person,
we should know
how to be grateful
for that gift.

Love is
when you take away
the feeling, the passion, the romance
and you find out
you still care for that person.

A sad thing about life
is that when you meet someone
who means a lot to you
only to find out
in the end
that it was
never meant to be
and you just have to
let go.

When one door
of happiness closes
another opens
but often we look
so long
at the closed door
that we don't see
the one which has been
opened for us.

The best kind of friend
is the one
you could sit on a porch with,
never say a word
and then
walk away feeling
it was the best conversation
you ever had.

It's true that
we don't know what we've got
until we lose it
but it's also true,
we don't know
what we've been missing
until it arrives.

Giving someone
all your love
is never an assurance
they will love you back.

Don't expect love
in return,
just wait for it to grow,
in their hearts.
If it doesn't,
be content, it grew in yours.

There are things
you love to hear
and only feel inside your heart
but don't be deaf
to know
it's probably time to restart.

Never say
you are not in love
when you can't find a way
to say good-bye.

Love comes
to those who still hope
even though they've been disappointed,
And to those who still believe
even though they've been betrayed,
will find that after all that pain
you will one day reign.

It takes
a minute to like someone
and hours to maybe have a crush,
days, weeks and months to love them
but to forget
that special someone?
....Well that could take
a lifetime.

Don't go for looks
as it can deceive
don't go for wealth
even that fades away,
go for someone who makes you smile.
They will make
a dark day seem bright
and a bright day.. seem so right.

There are moments in life
when you really miss someone,
you see them in your dreams
want to hold and hug them,
This dream can feel
so distant,
let them know,
the feeling
in your heart

what you want to dream
go where you want to go
be what you want to be.
You have only
one life and one chance
to do it all .

Happy bithday mum and dad !!!!!!

well well.. after all those sad stuffs I've been through for the past few days .. Finally happy moments fills back my soul... its my parents birthday!!!


This is what my sis and I planned for both them...

Daddy _____ western cuisine
Mummy ______ seafood

We had a great night out.. So long since we chatted like that as one big family.. =]
i realized dad and mum are more open minded compared to last time.. I guess they realized that their girls are all grown up... each one of them have their one personalities and thoughts... its time to let go dear parents.. lolxx..

mummy daddy "ya loobloo Tee "

what is L.. O.. V.. E ???

Have you ever ask yourself what is love ? ?

Oxford dictionary : is defined as an intense feeling of deep affection
Wikipedia : no. of feelings and experiences related to a sense of strong affection and attachment

In reality LOVE hurts..!!!!!!
Really don't seems to understand why love can be so wonderful and awful at the same time.
Is love just a feeling and affection or is it more than that..?? Does love make us change into a person we no longer know?? Must sacrifices be made by both parties to maintain the relationship?? Why love isn't what we see on TV or heard in fairy tales..?? Isn't that much more easier... There are so many question and doubts about love and yet billions of people fall in love..
why? why ? why?
Perhaps love is a battlefield... Perhaps we must fight for it .. ____________

Don't try to explain your mind
I know what's happening here
One minute it's love
And suddenly it's like a battlefield

One word turns into war
Why is it the smallest things that tear us down?
My world's nothing when u don't
I'm not here without a shield
Can't go back now

Both hands, tied behind my back with nothing
These times when we climb so fast to fall again
Why we gotta fall for it now

I never meant to start a war
You know i never wanna hurt you
Don't even know what we are fighting for
Why does love always feel like a battlefield?

~ jordin sparks~


HMmmm.. i never know why i started blogging thou...influence by friends? upgrading myself? trying new things? whatever is it , i know boredness is one of the factor..

Anyways, i want to thank my darlings ,Seewai for making this happen... and also not forgetting Wendy... i love my darlings so much !!! thank you =] i know i can always count on both of you all.

Gosh, summer holiday is goin to end soon... darlings we need to spend more time together .. plan something..!!!!!!!

Hello from me!

Hello people :) No, I did not changed my blog url.

Seewai is in the house! Can't believe that I'll be the first person to blog in titleofmyown instead of the owner herself.

She's currently in Malacca and me at home working my ass off for this layout. This is no easy work but Im very happy with the output.

*Cross fingers* Hopes that she'll like this as well.

Do comment if you like this too. Link her okay if you know her.

I have to get back to my own blog now. Bye!