Unforgetable Event

Well today was a "BIG" day for 3-15 girls.. we gotta meet the Dean ... usually when we meet him , all five of us will put up a smiley n angelic face.. but unfortunately today we barely able to do it cause we were in deep( i mean deep ^100) shit..!!!

Well lets rewind things so that you all will understand whats going on..

Remember few days ago we were celebrating Dinah's birthday??? well One of the neighbor complained to the guard that we were making too much noise..

What noise??? singing Birthday song it seems... what nonsense...!!! its a birthday man of course we will sing bdae song.. cause of that "noise" she wrote a letter , stating our names, what time , where and what were we doing and handed it to the commander.

and since we were "Racuss students " it make things worst... the commander hated us so much( i guess ), the complain when straight to the director...

It was really scary knowing that the director went and talked to the Dean about us.. i definitely freaked out cause they took my porpusk ( a card to get u into the hostel).. ** rt pv hc n dd's also were confiscated ** .. without it i cant go anywhere...but i did anyways, cause got class ma >.< so every time sneak in.. hahaa

so we were all geared up for the meeting.. the dean was expecting us.. his facial expression was so scary today.. normally he is with his big smiley face. but this time he looked fierce!!!! scarily fierce.... he warned us!!!!!! gave us some lectures...and ask us to write a "statement" .. stating what all we did during the party ... there was a point where he said he would write and official letter to our parents... that really shocked me like crazy !!!

after writing statements, he asked us to wait outside the office.. waiting really make me nervous...I DONT LIKE WAITING!!!
they took about half an hour in the room...
we were all outside wondering whats going on???

* kick us out from the hostel
* informing to all our lecturer what we did
* deport us back to Malaysia
* ???

There were so many questions in our heads... 30 mins seems to be like forever..
when they out they ask us to sign the statement ( btw they took so long because they translated the statement we wrote ) =p

Dean gave us one last chance.. if they were to have other complain about 3-15 girls, we are definitely dead meat..cause
1st he will kick us out of the hostel
2nd inform our parents
n 3rd sent back to "home sweet home"

haiz haiz....never in my shcooling life i been in the principle's office.. and now i experienced it.. it one hell of an "excitement".....

writing our statements

** ps: the neighbor i was mentioning just now, dislikes us so much...
whenever we talk in the room ,she will start banging on the wall asking us to lower down... we are not allowed to laugh at night either cause its "aka's" sleeping time.. she wants a world that is silence.. no music no entertainment no laughing no talking no jokes... no nothing!!!
but one thing she allows is , her bf can have all the party in the world, making so much noise and no one can say anything about it.. **

Just wish she didn't moved into that room..
"you should have just stay in dom 35.. why did u even shift here next to us"..
last year it was all fine when she wasn't in the picture.. none of our next door neighbors complaint anything about us.. but when she arrived, that's when the nightmare started... i hate this part right here.... ahgghhhggrhhhh!!!!!!!!!

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