continue or not ?

wearing one of this coat was what i wanted since i was a little girl

Am i willing to let go of my stethoscope ?

Like what i posted yesterday.. another problem struck me today...

My tuition fees for 2nd year increased... double the price!!!!!!!!!! omgosh...
It is stated in the contract( with my agent) that my tuition fees will not increase throughout the whole six years there..Now its different...!! How can they do that to us..?
Cause of this increasing fees and living cost in Moscow,Russia.. tonnes of students are deciding to drop out, considering studying in Indonesia or back to Malaysia..some even consider to quit.. i mean QUIT!!!!!!!

Not studying MEDICINE ??? That's like giving up my childhood dream ... What am i suppose to do ??

somebody please help me.... i need counseling

I want to stay loyal to MR MEDICINE.. but........ aikxxx

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