
Well like what i said before, bad things keep coming up to me..i really dont understand why >.<

So the next obstacles was, all of us ( me dee pv harsh rt ) had diarrhea at the same time.How it happen?? What when wrong?? well we were so lazy to cook , so we bought food from "massad people" cause they provide delivery service..All we need to do is sit and wait the the fork n spoon till the food comes. We bought it for lunch, but guess what time it was delivered... 2am!!!!!!!!! we were so hungry by then. Without thinking twice we ate everything that was on the plate.. i never thougt that i would be served with spoiled food..after investigation, it seems that the food was spoiled before it was even delivered. Everyone who ordered food from them had diarrhea like crazy.. almost the whole hostel !!!

Imagine five girls and with only ONE toilet..all five of us were taking turns making trips to the loo.. damn the feeling was so horrible..!!! i never had such bad diaarhea in my life before... we had diarrhea for like 2 days... but mine wasnt getting better at all... going toilet more than 10 tens is really suffering...
i never want to go trough that again in my life..

Peeps be carefully with what you put into you mouth..!!!!!!!!

So how did i managed recover?? hmmmm only the ones that contacted me will know >.<

ps: this really make maple a stronger individual.. with the amount of things that she went through she will never be the same person anymore___________

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