missing in action

HHmmm.. ever since i arrived in Moscow i have been disconnected from friends and family in Malaysia..spending days here in Moscow without you all in msia is really difficult.. so hard to call it a day.. But i guess this it what you need to go through when u decide to study overseas.. need to scarifies babey!!!! LOLXX.
Anyways, here what maple been doing here in MOSCOW...

I guess all of ya'all know that I've been having problems getting a room in the hostel..have been running up and down to get things done.. there was a point where my friends and i thought cancelling ur contract with our agent(racuss) and find some other agent to help us..cancelling a contract is a very difficult procedure.For the sake of our education we took the challenged.We chose "s" to be our agent. we did all the procedure needed.. Travelled to their office almost everyday..Made a big fuss back in the Msian Embassy and not forgetting Russian Cultural Center cause we needed some documents from them... do u think we successfully got to join the new agent? after all the scarifieses we made .. " money time energy "


"S" was just like any other agent... money minded!!!!!!!!! all they see in you is $$$ sign..people these days are so cruel even to their own people.. after all the things we did (words cant describe what we really went through) we were back to square one. We were filled with dissapointment and frustration!!! We were still stuck with our old agent,"R".. cisss!!!!
we were hopeless, aimless and our parents were so worried back there..

When we were so devastated, here came blessings from heaven. The Rector and the Dean from my University got to know our problem.They call us up and we had a meeting(not every one has the chance to talk to the Rector btw).They personally called up the hostel commander..And the next minute, we were shifting our stuffs into our room once again!!! a fully renovated room!!!!! HUHU... miracles do happen PEOPLE if you pray hard for it cause God will never want his children to suffer..
**Thank You Rector and Dean for your help btw =]

well well..I thought my nightmare has ended after that. but, it was just the BEGINNING !!! before all the other problems came popping out into my life , i thought being room less was the worst thing that could happened to me.. but having a nearly expired visa half way around the world is even worst. My agent is the most useless agent ever.They don't do anything for us!!! all they know is three words..
"I DON'T KNOW" . This is what they will tell us each time we ask them what should we do, where should we go, how can we renew the visa.. Gosh why are they working as agents when they themselves don't know how to get things done...
( pissing me off whenever i talk about them )

But once again thank God, eventually with the help of some seniors here, i finally got my visa renewed.
( ps: got it done one day before it expires .. gosh.. damn scary ).

WAIT !!! my nightmare has not ended yet. to be continue __________...

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